21 May 2024, 7 am PDT – 9.30 am PDT
The online event will be live-streamed on Translation Commons YouTube channel
Organized by Translation Commons
In partnership with
UNESCO’s Secretariat of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages

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To celebrate World Day for Cultural Diversity for Dialogue and Development, UNESCO and Translation Commons’ joint online event aims to raise awareness of the importance of Indigenous language preservation and revitalisation, focussing on cultural diversity and advancement for the Indigenous Communities. This online conference brings together Indigenous communities, academics and organizations to facilitate dialogue, understanding and cooperation. This dialogue will not only contribute to the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032) but also towards fulfilling Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), for strengthening world peace and security.
With this event we draw attention to the critical situation of Indigenous languages by presenting a range of topics related to translation, preservation and revitalization of Indigenous languages, with a focus on:
- Explore the impact of emergent technologies on the field of translation.
- Raise awareness about the importance of professional translation and interpretation to Indigenous communities.

Program Objectives
The online event will:
- Act as a conversation starter by looking at intersections of Indigenous languages and cultural diversity/technology with an inclusive and empathetic lens.
- Highlight the intersections of Indigenous languages and cultural diversity.
- Investigate inclusiveness and limits to inclusiveness of new digital worlds towards Indigenous languages.
- Showcase adaptation, transfer and revitalisation of Indigenous languages in the world of technology and AI.
- Showcase how Indigenous languages are navigating the modern technological landscape.
Invited speakers include: Indigenous pioneers, translators, linguists, language technologists and allies & advocates of the Indigenous communities and more. The emphasis of the event will be on fair and equitable representation of the Indigenous communities and it will feature the stories of a number of Indigenous language groups.
This online event is organized within the context of the International Decade of Indigenous Languages (2022-2032), which was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in December 2019. Bringing together a diverse range of stakeholders, including linguists, members of the Global task Force for Making a Decade of Action for Indigenous Languages, artists, activists, interpreters, and more, this event aims to foster meaningful dialog on these crucial topics. Students, educators, and policy makers are all encouraged to attend.

Translation Commons is sincerely grateful to all our behind-the-scenes volunteers who have worked so hard to bring this exciting event to fruition by offering their skills, time, passion, and generosity. Further, our speakers bring to us their years of experience to shed light on the very important and often overlooked area of Indigenous language in its many settings in the modern world. Our partners provided guidance and infrastructure to conceive of and conduct the program. We are truly grateful for the honor to work with all of you. Thank you for your contributions.
Translation Commons welcomes sponsors. If you share our passion, we gratefully accept your kind support, and will acknowledge your involvement in our speaker program. Donations of any size are very much appreciated and are tax deductible.