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Welcome to the Keyboards blog

Welcome to the blog of the keyboards group at Translation Commons. With this first entry, we want to introduce the project and our goals for this blog. 

Who we are

We are a group of volunteers from industry and academia with various relevant experiences and backgrounds. Some of us have a language background and others come from the software development area. We all share a common interest in the overlap between language and technology, as well as the shared goals of the initiative.

Keyboards are essential

Keyboards are an essential part of language digitization. This enables the participation of language communities in the digital space. Our goal is to develop as many keyboards as possible for languages that do not currently have a suitable one. We also work to engage, train and support those who want to develop keyboards, streamline the development process and raise awareness of keyboard development, and the need for such activities.

You can get involved

We invite you to follow our activities on this blog. We intend to provide updates on our specific activities, releases and related initiatives. It is important to us that what we do is useful and effective, so we welcome your thoughts and suggestions.

You can learn more about the Translation Commons Keyboard Creation Project here. If you would like to join us, you can contact us via [email protected].

Are you a member of a language community or other community advocate that would benefit from a keyboard for your language? You can request a keyboard design and implementation here.

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