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Meet the ITD 2024 Team

Translation Commons gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions of the multiple parties that came together to produce the 30 September 2024 celebration of the International Translation Day with the online event “Translation, an art worth protecting: Moral and Material rights for Indigenous Languages”.

We thank all participants, all contributors, all supporters, and all attendees, and we hope that the shared experience, knowledge, and inspiration gained from this event will carry all stakeholders forward in their work in Indigenous languages.

Our special thanks go out to the following teams and individuals:

Event Steering Committee

  • Dr Siva Prasad Rambhatla, Former Honorary Professor, University of Hyderabad (India)
  • Dr Udaya Narayana Singh, Professor, Amity University Haryana, Gurgaon (India)
  • Dr Prabhakar Rao Jandhyala, Professor of Linguistics and Head of the Centre for Foreign Language Studies, University of Hyderabad
  • Ms Saumya Sharma, Freelance Ethnographer and Qualitative Researcher (India)
  • Dr Tabea De Wille, Associate Professor, University of Limerick (Ireland)
  • Mr Michael Wynne, Digital Applications Librarian, Washington State University (USA)
  • Mr Tex Texin, Globalization Architect, Board of Advisors, Translation Commons (USA)
  • Ms Jeannette Stewart, Founder & Board of Advisors, Translation Commons (USA)

It has been our sincere pleasure to produce this event with all of you! Thank you for your hard work and thoughtful participation to raise awareness about the importance of professional translation and interpretation to Indigenous communities and to explore the impact of emergent technologies on the field of translation.

Dr. Alan Melby, Language Terminology/Translation and Acquisition Consortium President

• Infrastructure support
• Hosting of the event

A kind thank-you to Alan for providing the Zoom platform for the panels and presentations, and for hosting and monitoring the event with us. Your technical support has allowed the program to stream online to countless viewers.

Translation Commons Volunteers

The truly awesome Translation Commons volunteers have put in the tireless behind-the-scenes work to handle the nuts and bolts, branding, endless detail, and coordination that is necessary to produce an event such as this one. This represents months of work, coordination, patience, and a sense of humor! These may be some of the least visible volunteers in an online event, but they are the most important, and we thank all of them!

  • Leonidas Pappas, Event coordinator, Event hosting, Branding, Social media
  • Nigar Hasanova, Event manager, Logistics coordinator,  Zoom hosting
  • Aparna Jorapur, backup Event coordinator
  • Utkarsh Sinh, Web developer, Maintenance, backup Zoom host
  • Dipal Gajjar, Web developer, Maintenance
  • Devasheesh Vaid, Web developer, Maintenance
  • Gina Gungaadorj, backup Zoom host

Session Presenters

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